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Jun 20, 2022

O God, keep us humble and simple enough to give all people space to live and act as they see fit. Reveal our blind spots to ourselves, freeing us to follow your ways but leave judgment to you. Amen. Let it be.


Jun 19, 2022

The more we grow in this awareness of Christ’s living and acting through each one of us, the more meaningful will be our gathering round the Eucharistic table to share together, to eat and drink together the Body and Blood of the Risen Lord. May each celebration of Eucharist build the Body of Christ. Amen.

Jun 18, 2022

we pray O lord for your love, your presence. We ask that we see with new eyes this day, all the joy you have in store for us. May we truly embrace each moment of the day. Amen

Jun 17, 2022

". . . where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." (Matthew 6:21)

Jun 16, 2022

We pray that we will not find ourselves in a situation where we fall seriously. We ask to be protected from the powers of evil with which we are surrounded.