Jun 28, 2020
“ whoever, gives to one of these little ones, even a cup of cold water, because he is a disciple, truly I tell you, will not lose his reward!” (Mt 10: 42)
Start your day with insightful reflections of faith, inspiration and spirituality presented by Wordnet Productions and delivered on screen by competent presenters in catholic faith. These daily reflections are inspired by Daily scripture, using God’s uplifting message as a guide in your daily life. These daily meditative reflection is based on liturgical readings of the day. These mediations certainly will brighten your day and help you to live in peace, joy and happiness.
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Get Dios Habla Daily Gospel Reflections (Spanish) App for your apple devices: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dios-habla/id1164733866
Get Dios Habla Daily Gospel Reflections (Spanish) App for your android devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wordnetproductions.android.dios&hl=en