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Oct 30, 2018

Give us courage Lord to spread you good news, give us patience Lord with each other until you call us to your heavenly home,  Amen

Oct 29, 2018

Bless those judges in courts around the world who deal with this moral challenge constantly, and help all of us do some soul-searching and learn ways to act more like you.  Amen.

Oct 28, 2018

Barnabas began with need, proceeded in gratitude and finished with loyalty.  And you don’t get a better summary of discipleship than that! 

Oct 27, 2018

Holy and Most Gracious God, you shower upon us all that we need to tend your fields and prepare for the Good Harvest.  Help us to be the Cultivators in the world, to help those who desperately want to bear good fruit and maybe just don’t know how.  Thank you for those you have sent before us as examples of Good...