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Mar 31, 2017

God we thank you today for the gifts you bestow upon us all. We know that your spirit descends upon us each individually and according to our wants, needs, and abilities. We ask you today to strengthen our wisdom and our understanding of you as we continue along this path toward the remembrance of the passion of you...

Mar 30, 2017

Give us the strength to make good decisions so that when people see us they know by our deeds that we love you want only to please you  and be a credit to you and to our Christian faith.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Mar 29, 2017

Jesus, on the other hand, teaches that human needs must ALWAYS be helped; that there is no greater task than to relieve someone’s pain and dis-tress; that our compassion must be like God’s--unceasing.  Amen!

Mar 28, 2017

Loving God, give us the strength, faith, hope and love, to hang on especially when the going gets tough. We know we can do it with your help. We ask this through your son, Jesus. Amen

Mar 27, 2017

Loving God, give us the strength, faith, hope and love, to hang on especially when the going gets tough. We know we can do it with your help. We ask this through your son, Jesus. Amen