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Jul 31, 2019

Lord you are the greatest treasure in our life. Help us to possess you in our deeds words and actions. Amen

Jul 30, 2019

"The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his Kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers." Mt 13: 42

Jul 29, 2019

O Lord how often do we listen to your words as Mary did.  In your scripture and in those around us who bring your word alive.  Help us to live that word in our daily work.  Amen

Jul 28, 2019

“More tears are shed over answered prayers than those that go unanswered!”

Jul 27, 2019

You, Lord, are the ground upon which we walk, upon which we worship, upon which we grow. Protect us always from the Enemy. Keep us safe from harm, and we ask you humbly to allow us to continue to feed your flocks with the harvest of your Word. In Jesus Christ, Our Lord, we pray. Amen.