Apr 29, 2019
Lord, help me to die to my sins and be born again. Shape me Lord as you please. Amen.
Apr 28, 2019
Lord, We thank you for bestowing on us the gift of your mercy. We know that we could never earn it and yet we are beneficiaries of your grace. We ask you lord to enlighten us in the ways that you bless us this week; help us to feel your renewing love and peace in our lives. We ask this in the name of your most merciful...
Apr 27, 2019
" 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.' " (Mark 16:15)
Apr 26, 2019
Lord, in the midst of confusions, helplessness, fear and doubt, when everything in life seems to be a failure, help us to listen to you, as you guide us to make another attempt in a different direction. amen