Jan 30, 2021
The Gospel of today narrates the incident of Jesus and His
disciples travelling in the boat, encountering the storms and how
the Lord brings in calm and serenity in that situation of turmoil.
All the three synoptic Gospels – Mathew, Mark and Luke – not only
report this incident of Jesus calming the sea, but also mention a
simple yet significant detail – “Jesus slept”!
It’s amazing to imagine this situation: The storms are raging high…
The waters are probably hitting hard on the boat…The disciples are
anxiously rowing, struggling to balance…There is terror all around.
There is a sense of fear… there is growing apprehension. Yet, in
the midst of all this, the Gospels say that “the Lord is
That really must be a good and sound sleep, isn’t it? Who would be
able to do that? The One who has immense faith and trust in God has
absolutely nothing to worry…even in the midst of any storm. The One
who has great confidence and belief in Divine Providence has just
nothing to fear…even in the midst of any horror or terror. Jesus
was in communion with His Father. This bonding made Him to be
assured of every protection and care! Here is an important
spiritual principle that Jesus teaches us: The greater one is in
communion with God, the greater and easier is one’s trust in Divine
Providence. >> The higher one is in union with God, the
lesser will be the anxiety and worry factor in life.
The Lord today invites us to have this same kind of faith and trust
in Him and His Divine Providence. Life will, undoubtedly, bring
with it many storms and tempests in life. We may experience lots of
fear… We may feel the end is near… But the one, who trusts in Him,
is assured of safety and security! The more we are close to the
Lord, the deeper would be this faith and confidence! Amen.